Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

I live in Depok

I live in Depok, a city in West Java.
It's a very peaceful place.
I live in Kukusan region, near a campus.
There are some dormitories and rent houses.
There are also a lot of food courts, some sport facilities, internet cafes, and laundry services.
There is an old and big university called Indonesian University.
Everyday I pass through this university to and from station.
There are trains to Jakarta every 15 minutes.
I think Depok, especially Kukusan, is a great place to live.
I'm very satisfied living here.

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I live in Jogja

I live in Yogyakarta, a small city in central Java.
It's a traditional and exotic place.
People usually call Jogja.
There are a lot of old buildings in the centre, including Kraton and Beteng Vredebourg.
There a also a lot of temples, including the highest temple called Prambanan.
As a tourism destination, there are also a lot of hotels and guest houses.
Jogja is also known as student city. 
There are a lot of schools and universities, including a legendary university called Gadjah Mada University.
There is an international airport called Adisucipto Airport.
I think Jogja is a great place to live or just to visit.

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New Year

I was in Perth on New Year's Eve 2013.
I was only 44 at the time.
I was there with my sister and her family.
We were near Burswood Lake all evening, and at midnight there were some amazing fireworks.
Then, there was a big party in the city all night.
It was a fantastic new year. 

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My clothes

I always wear short sleeved shirt and trouser at work.
At certain moment, like ceremony, I usually wear suits and a tie, but it's rarely.
On Friday I usually wear batik shirt.

When I'm at home, I usually wear short pants and t-shirt or short sleeved shirt. 
I usually wear jacket when it's cold at home or sweater when I'm on journey.
For going to work, I always wear brown leather shoes.
I change my shoes soon as I arrive at my office with the formal one.
The shoes' colour is usually black.

My fovourite colour are blue and brown.
I never wear red clothes. 
I don't think they look good on me.

I have various kind of work uniforms, range from old until newest edition.

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Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

My Past

I wasn't at home on Saturday morning. I was at English course at UI.

My late grandparents were from Bantul.

I'm sorry, I wasn't at your party.
I was in other city.
I was on business travelling.

I was at work four hours ago.
I was in Jogja 2 weeks ago and 2 months ago.
I was at a big wedding party in January this year. There were two couples at the wedding.
I was at university in 1990.

Where were you born?
I was born in Jogja.
Were you in this country last year?
Sure. I was in this country last year. This is my country. I live here.

Where your father and mother were born?
My parents both were born in Jogja.

Were you in this class 2 months ago?
Yes, I was. I was in this class 2 months ago.

When was your first English class?
My first English class was at grade 1 at junior high school in 1981.

Where were you on your last birthday?
I was in Jogja on my last birthday.

What did you do yesterday afternoon?
I went to Mitra 10 yesterday afternoon, bought a can of Avitex paint.

Who was your first English teacher?
Ms Janti was my first English teacher.

Where was your mother born ?
My mother was born in Jogja

When did you last go to the cinema?
I last went to the cinema about 10 years ago, in Kalibata Mall.

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English Course

I study English at LBI FIB Indonesian University.
My colleague is also a student there.
I never speak English both at work and at home.
I also study English online.

I'm at an English course in Depok.
We have classes for 2 hours every Saturday morning.
I'm going to leave class next month, and I'm going to start new class in May.
Next month I'm going to do an exam.
Next week we are going to have lunch with all participants.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Online website

Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions about the Internet?
Yes, of course.

Thanks very much.
OK. Do you use the Internet everyday?

Yes, I do. I use it at work and at home.

What do you usually do online?
Well, my sister doesn't live in Indonesia.

So, I chat to her on the Internet.
It's very cheap.
I also send a lot of emails of course.

Do you buy and sell things online?
Yes, I buy bags online, but I don't sell things.
My brother in law often sells things.
I book flights and holidays online, very often.

What about television and radio?
Do I watch tv online? No, I don't.
I know it's possible but I never do.
My brother in law works at home.
So, he also listens to the radio on his computer.

And my last question, music. Do you download music from the Internet?
Well, I have an iPod but I don't use it very often. So, no.
But my son downloads lots of music for his iPod.

OK. Thanks very much. That's great.
So, what is a listful.

Excuse me.

Can I ask you some questions about the Internet?
Yes, sure.

Thanks very much. Do you send and receive emails?
Yes, of course. I get a hundred emails a day at work.

Right. Do you buy concert or theatre tickets on line.
No, I don't. I almost never watch theatre or concert. It's expensive for me.

Ok. Do you watch videos or TV programmes on the Internet?
No, I don't. But, occasionally/once in a while I watch You Tube, despite this isn't my favourite website. 

*What's your favourite website ?
I like blog very much, especially Kompasiana. I read it all the time.
I also like yahoogroups, especially backpacker tourism group.

Ok, thanks. And what about the radio?
Do you listen to the radio online?

No, I don't.

I know it's possible but I never do.

 Do you chat to friends of family online?
Yes, sometimes. My sister lives in Aussie and we chat online every week.

Ok. Do you buy and sell things online?
Yes, I do, but not often.
I once bought a bag online.

And do you book flights or holidays online?
Yes, I do. I often book flights online, especially when it's a sale or a promo from AirAsia.

Ok, the last question. Do you download music from the Internet?
Yes, I do. Sometimes I download music from the Internet.
I have an iPod, but I rarely listen to the music.

Ok, thanks very much, that's great.
No problem. Bye.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Go on holiday

I went on holiday to Perth last year (June 2014).
I flied to Perth from Bali with AirAsia first flight in the morning.
My sister and her family live there, so I didn't stay in a hotel.
I stay with my sister's family.
I went sightseeing in the afternoons, and I took a lot of photos.
My favourite places were Cottesloe beach, city centre, and the zoo.
Cottesloe beach was amazing with its white sands.
I was only in West Australia for 4 days, so I didn't visit any other places.
Next time, may be.